英语翻译1 火车站人太多了!我刚刚从那边回来2 火车站广场上挤满了等待回家的人,交通也发生了大面积的堵塞3 我不想去售票


1 火车站人太多了!我刚刚从那边回来
2 火车站广场上挤满了等待回家的人,交通也发生了大面积的堵塞
3 我不想去售票厅排队买票了,人太多了,不知道何时才能买到.
4 中秋节和国庆节,连在一起,回家的人,特别的多,火车上,公交车上都是挤满了人
5 劳累了一天,洗完澡后,躺在宾馆的大床上 还真是舒服呢.
6 我们都在等着 下班 / 等着上班
7 大厅 里面 人 很多 / 很少 / 一个人也没有
8 只有3个人在地下室里面睡觉
9 教室里面4个学生正在打牌
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-11-08


1,there are too many people in the railway station .I just came back from there.
2,the railway station is crowded with people eager to go home,further ,the traffic underwent a serious blockage.
3,i don't want to line up/queue for tickets at the ticket office for there are so many people ,moreover,i don't know when could i get the ticket.
4.Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day is coming together ,so many people want to go home,inevitably,buses and trains are packed with people.
5,after a hard day,i had a shower,then lying comfortably on the bed at the hotel.
6we are all waiting for commuting/ waiting to go to work
7,there are a lot poeple in the hall/ there is a few/some people/ there is no one .
8,there are only three people sleeping in the basement.
9,there are four students playing cards in the classroom.
再问: 恩。谢谢帮忙 there are four students playing cards in the classroom. playing 这里是现在分词,做非谓语动词 的用法吗?谢谢
再答: 我是这样想的。。。作为伴随的状态吧。。。