英语翻译要翻译软体 google,yahooo 等任何翻译的我要看得懂得英文 文法要对以下:在我的生活中 我有很多不同的


要翻译软体 google,yahooo 等任何翻译的
我要看得懂得英文 文法要对
在我的生活中 我有很多不同的个人传统 (personal culture)
给第一个例子 ,我是基督徒 ,每个星期天 ,我都会和我的家人去教会 ,敬拜上帝和祷告.我喜欢圣诞节和复活节 因为这两个都是和基督教相关的节日
圣诞节时 我喜欢收到朋友们的礼物 也喜欢送礼物给朋友们
复活节时 我都和家人 去教会 庆祝复活节 感谢主耶稣为我们复活
在我的生活中,基督教是非常重要的,每天吃晚饭前 我和我的家人都会祷告
第二个例子 ,我的个人价值观是不吸菸,不喝酒,不刺青,这三点 在我的生命里是非常重要的.从小我妈妈就告诉我 吸菸和喝酒是不好的行为 危害身体健康,
刺青则是不端庄 又伤害人体的皮肤 ,坏女孩才会刺青 等等的这些价值观
有时候 我和我妹妹 闻到菸味 就马上离开 ,因为闻起来真的很不舒服 会想呕吐.我想 刺青,喝酒,吸菸 这三点是永远都不会出现在在我生命里
第三个例子 ,在我的生命中 ,我的个人价值观是 我是亚洲人 我移民到
加拿大,但那并不代表 我就是加拿大人 ,我依旧保有我自己国家的习俗和传统
不一定要追随不同国家的习俗和传统 ,例如蒙特娄的语言是法文和英文,这两个主要语言 ,我每天在这个城市里都是用这两个语言和大家讲话,沟通 ,但那并不代表我就不能说自己的母语,和自己相同国家的人讲话,沟通 ,保有自己国家的语言是很重要的
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-09-24


In my life,i have alot of different personal colutre.
Fristly,i'm a Christian,on every sunday,i would go to the church with my family,workship and pray to God.I love Christmas and Easter,because they both are related Christian.
In Christmas,I love receiving presents from friends,also like to give out gifts too.
In Easter,me and my family will go to the chruch to celebrate for Easter day,and thank the Lord Jesus raised for us.
In my life,Christian is very important,before every dinner,me and my family will always pray.
secondly,my personal values are not to smoke,drink and no tattoo.Those 3 points plays a very important rule in my life.Since i was young,my mother had told me that smoking and drinking are band habits,and bad for your health.Furthermore,tatoo is undecent and damages your skin,only bad girls will do tatoos...etc.
Sometimes,when i and my sister smelled cigarette,we will leave immediately,because the smells make us feeling uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.I think tatoo,drking and smoke will never appare in my life.
Thirdly,in my life,my personal value is that I'm a Asian,although I had migrated to Canada,that does not mean that I'm a Canadian.I still keep my own country's customs and traditions,and not necessarily to follow other country's customs and traditions.As an example,the languages of Montreal is French and English,for those tow mean languages,i'm still using them to communicate to others.However,this does not mean that i can not speak in my own language,and use it to communicate with the people who came from the same country.(Therefore,in my own opinion,)【()里面的是我自己加上去的,读起来.怎么说呢,我个人觉得比较有气势点,不要也可以,直接从这开始→】Maintaining the language of my own country is very important!