

In 1664, Richard Atkyns, a Gloucestershire gentleman, propounded what is known as the Corsellis forgery, by which he tried to prove that a printer, Frederick Corsellis, had printed in Oxford ten years before Caxton set up his presses at Westminster. Mr. Madan says, 'as no one believes in this story it is not worth while to do more than to point out that no corroboration of it has ever been found.' (fn. 24) Conyers Middleton in his Dissertation on the Origin of Printing, published in 1735, was the first to throw doubt upon the year 1468. From that time the opinion has steadily grown that 1478 and not 1468 ought to be the date of the first printed book at Oxford. Mr. Madan treats the subject with the greatest care in his History of the Early Oxford Press. He takes into consideration the question of signatures; he shows that there are no signs of progress in the first three Oxford books; he points out that the same type is used, the same sized page, and the same number of lines in a column; he remarks, with numerous examples, that mistakes of dates are common, and finally he considers that the books bound up with the Jerome would show rather the date 1478 than that of 1468. He considers that it is conceivable, but not probable, that printing was done in Oxford previous to the year 1477. (fn. 25) In the Chart of Oxford Printing Mr. Madan would appear even more definite when he says 'the fact remains that the greater the bibliographer the more certain he is that the true date is 1478.' (fn. 26)
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-09-30


在1664年,一个名叫Richard Atkyns的英国先生试图通过Corsellis伪造理论(后被广为人知)来证明Frederick Corsellis早在Caxton在威斯敏斯特成立出版社前就已经在牛津担任印刷工作10年了.Madan先生就此事说到:由于没有人相信这种流言,所以也不值得去找出证明这种流言的证据.(fn. 24) Conyers Middleton1735年 出版的学术论文“印刷术的起源”是第一次对印刷出现在1468年提出了质疑.从那之后,人们的普遍观点是:在牛津,第一本印刷书是在1478年出现的,而不是1468. Madan先生在他的“早期牛津出版社”中对这个主题作了很多的思考.他先是对署名提出思考:指出在最先出现的3本牛津书里,并没有显示出多大的不同和进步,同样的版本,同样的页码尺寸,一个专栏里是一样的列数.基于这许许多多的例子表明,日期错误是正常的,最后他认为, 和Jerome相关的书籍应该是1478年而非1468年出现的.可以想象印刷在1477年前就出现在牛津,但不大可能.(fn. 25) 在牛津印刷史图表中,Madan先生语气更加坚定:“事实就是编目者名气越大,他就越能确定这个真实的印刷出现的时间是1478年.”