短文理解:(Mrs Green was eighty years old and healthy.)


短文理解:(Mrs Green was eighty years old and healthy.)
Mrs Green was eighty years old and healthy.She had a car ,and she always drove to the shops on Saturdays and bought(我怀疑此处错误,不应该用过去时态,her food.She did not drive fast because she was old .She drove well and never hit anything.Sometimes the grandson said to her,"please don't drive your car.Grandmom."But she always said,"No,I like driving.I drove for 50 years and I'm not going to stop it now."
Last Saturday she stopped her car at the traffic lights because they were red and then the car could not start again.The lights was green,then yellow,then red,then green again,but her car did not start"What shall I do?"she said.Then a policeman came and said to her kindly,"Good moring,Madam.Don't you like any of our colours today?"
Which is right?
A.Mrs Green wasn't old at all
B.Mrs Green could drive fast
C.She was too old to drive
D.She always drove her red car.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-02

