用be made by造句


用be made by造句

初三 1个回答 分类:英语 2018-09-07



1、The machine was only made by them. 这台机器是由他们造出来的。

2、No compromise of my said claim may be made by said attorney without my consent. 未经本人同意,所委托律师不得就我提出的权利要求达成任何妥协。

3、General Hartmann says that decision will be made by the military judge in each instance. 哈特曼将军说,军方法官要根据每个具体案例的情况做出决定。

4、They have to be made by politicians. 

5、It should be a political decision. It should be made by the president. 

6、The decision, she said, must ultimately be made by the aging parent. 

7、So many extra sales can be made by just keeping your commitments! 

8、“The decision to change the name will be made by another generation,” he said.
