

随着人类社会的日进不和发展,电脑已走进人们的日常生活的每一个角落,并且发挥了很重要的作用。请你根据以下内容写一篇短文,介绍你对使用电脑的看法。 写作内容: 1.你平时都用电脑做什么; 2.你对正确使用电脑的建议。 写作要求:语言连贯,70词实词左右。作文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 The computer is very important and common today. Many people have got a computer at home.

初一 1个回答 分类:英语 2019-01-07



    The computer is very important and common today. Many people have got a computer at home.

    When I was at school, I often used computers to find homework, read composition materials, listen to the pronunciation of English words and so on. At the weekend, I will use the computer to read novels, animation and listen to music. I like to play games on computers, such as the Heroes League, which I haven't been tired of playing for years. This year, the Chinese team Ig won the championship of the S8 season. This is a national competition, which shows that Chinese competition has been booming.

     But there are advantages and disadvantages in using computers. Proper use of computers can promote learning and increase knowledge. If used inappropriately, they will abandon their studies and their achievements will drop dramatically.


